Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Beautiful Red Barn

On a recent road trip through Montana, I saw this beautiful old barn. It's no longer in active use, but is such a lovely old building that I couldn't help but stop and admire it for a few minutes.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Coming Right Up... Baby C

Baby C came to see me in the cutest little jumper - with bright, big polka dots. She was happy to look around, happy to see what was to see.

What a little cutie!

Here's the sneak peek:

Monday, March 9, 2009

Next in Line... Baby L

I got to meet baby L this weekend (along with his mother, who was kind enough to drive him...) and he's the most delightful little thing!

He was so busy looking around at everything, so interested in all the new things... and so happy to look at Mommy. :-)

Now - the sneak peek:

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Moving on to... Baby S and her sister, S the Super!

Baby S brought her big sister along to her photoshoot this weekend, and they were both such cute little girls! Baby S was happy to have her turn, but then was more than happy to take a break and let "S the Super" step up. It didn't take long to figure out why she's called S the Super - what an expressive little face, and such a sweetheart.

Then, back to Baby S, who would rather have been talking to Daddy, but was a good sport for us, anyway.

Both girls have such big, bright eyes... so pretty!

And now... the sneak peek:

Saturday, March 7, 2009

And Now.... Baby R !!

Next up in the series of babies this week - baby "R". She was such a good sport while at the studio - she didn't really want to be on the table, but was trying really hard to be happy about it. She was very busy trying to understand what was going on around her - such a curious baby!

What an adorable little girl! And now, the sneak peek:

Friday, March 6, 2009

Next up - Baby C

Next in the series of babies this week - baby C. He's nine months old and has the best giggle I've ever heard. We thought he would roll off the table laughing.

Talk about ROFLOL!! :-)

Here's the sneak peek:

Baby H

Doesn't spring make you think of babies? Maybe it's just me.... :-) I'm working on a new project, and baby H is the first of lots of babies I'll meet this week. He's ten weeks old, and is so adorable!!

Here's a sneak peek:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Blog Feature!

I'm so excited to let everyone know that my Etsy shop: www.GesturesPhoto.Etsy.com has been featured on the Made For You Blog.

Here's the link: http://madeforyoublog.blogspot.com/search/label/Shop%20Idaho

Check this fantastic blog for lots of specially-selected handmade items, and check out my Etsy shop, also!

Happy Wednesday, everyone!